Assisted Extrusion Modeling Dialog

Once the Assisted Extrusion Modeling mode is activated the "Assisted Extrusion Modeling Dialog" will appear allowing the user to choose how the extrusions will be modeled.





This command is enabled once all of the key points have been chosen and accepted. Clicking on the command will create a new instance of the 3D Element / Asset shown. To create a different type of 3D Element / Asset the user can click on the drop down to see a list of supported types , as shown below.

Cross Section Mode

This mode is the only currently supported mode for extrusions and it allows the user to create an extruded 3D Element / Asset by choosing three or more points corresponding to the extrusion cross-section.

NOTE: Only the user specified points are used to create the new extrusion, point cloud data is not used or required in this mode.


This command clears all the accepted points in the current modeling mode.