In order to share V-Suite CORE Projects over the network, an administrator must maintain projects, and assign users to project roles. All these functions are performed through the different tabs in the Visionaize Enterprise Administrator Utility.

Administrators responsible for this information should follow these steps to allow users to access projects:

  • Create a new project that points to an V-Suite CORE Asset Database. A V-Suite CORE Asset Database can be created using V-Suite CORE or from a backup. If you did not receive a database from Visionaize, refer to the V-Suite CORE Help File for an explanation on how to create a new Asset Database. V-Suite CORE will always create an Asset Database with at least one default role. Roles and access rights are tied to an Asset Database.
  • Create users using the Visionaize Enterprise Administrator Utility or choose Windows Authentication to manage users. Please note that users cannot be assigned a project role if no projects have been created.
  • Assign users to roles in the appropriate project(s). Roles and access rights are not created and defined via the Visionaize Enterprise Administrator Utility but via V-Suite CORE. Refer to the V-Suite CORE Help File for an explanation on how to create roles and assign access rights.

Please note that access rights are not assigned to individual users but to roles. Users are assigned one or more roles. Users which have been assigned the same role have the same access rights.