In order for V-Suite Web Data Transfer to be able to retrieve V-Suite CORE data you may need to perform some additional configuration. This topic helps you determine what additional configuration requirements apply to your system configuration.

You have configured V-Suite CORE VES with a SQL Server instance with "Mixed mode" authentication
See V-Suite CORE SQL Server Security Mode

You are good to go, there are no additional configuration requirements. You can skip the remainder of this help topic

You have configured V-Suite CORE VES with a SQL Server Instance with "Windows authentication mode"

See V-Suite CORE SQL Server Security Mode

You have configured V-Suite CORE and V-Suite Web with the same SQL Server Instance (same database server and same SQL instance)

You have NOT configured V-Suite CORE VES and V-Suite Web with the same SQL Server Instance (for example "DBSERVER\SQL_VES" for V-Suite CORE and "DBSERVER\SQL_WEB" for V-Suite Web)

You can configure the web application pool service account with "Grant the service account with SQL 'sysadmin' privileges"

You can configure the web application pool service account with "Grant the service account minimum required SQL privileges"

You MUST configure the web application pool service account with "Grant the service account minimum required SQL privileges"
See: New Environment - Account Information

You are good to go, there are no additional configuration requirements.

Perform one of the following:

  • Configure the web application pool service account with the same account you used for the V-Suite CORE application SQL account.
  • If you cannot use the same account for the web application pool service account and the V-Suite CORE application SQL account, it is necessary to set up the SQL Server privileges for the V-Suite Web service account manually. Please, contact Visionaize Customer Support for help with this task.