Application Pool Services Account

V-Suite application services are hosted in IIS. You must specify the windows account to run the V-Suite Web application pool.

The application pool service account must meet certain requirements and will be granted database privileges, click here for details.



Consult the following help topic if you plan to transfer data from a V-Suite CORE SQL Server Instance which is configured with "Windows authentication mode" (so NOT with "Mixed Mode"):

V-Suite Data Transfer Requirements

  • Enter the Windows Username and Password of the application service account. Enter one of the following User Name formats:

User Name Format

User Principal Name

Internet Style Name


Down-Level User Logon Name

Domain and User Account separated by '\'


Managed or Group Managed Service Account Name

Domain and Service Account separated by '\' and followed by '$'.

When you configure a Managed or Group Managed Service account you do not need to specify Password


  • If your DBA does not permit the service account 'sysadmin' privileges you should select "Grant the service account minimum required SQL privileges". Selecting this option will assign minimum required privileges to the V-Suite database and will create an SSIS proxy account. Please note that you cannot use this option if you choose a Managed or Group Managed Service Account.

  • Click Next to continue.