The Authentication Settings allow customization of the behavior of the Authentication process.  

You can modify Authentication Settings via the Users application. The Users Application can be accessed via the System Administration icon on the V-Suite home page.  

Click the Authentication Settings icon. This displays the Authentication Settings form which lets you customize the Authentication behavior.

Authentication Settings properties

The Authentication Settings form has the following properties:

Authentication Mode

  • Use V-Suite Authentication - Allow only authentication using V-Suite user name and password.
  • Use Mixed Mode Authentication - Allows both authentication using V-Suite user name and password and authentication via Microsoft Active Directory.

Password Policy

  • Passwords never expire - select this option if you don't want users to have to change passwords.
  • Passwords expire - select this option if you want user passwords to expire.
  • Days before password expire - The number of days allowed until a password is expired when created or changed.
  • Maximum allowed failed password attempts - The number of failed login attempts the user is allowed to have before the user is locked out.

Password Complexity

  • Minimum number of characters - The minimum number of characters a password should have.
  • Minimum number of symbols - The minimum number of symbols a password should have. Valid symbols are !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ . An empty or 0 value means there is no minimum number.
  • Minimum number of numbers - The minimum number of numeric characters a password should have.

Click the Save button on the top of the form to save the authentication settings.