V-Suite CORE Connection

In order to transfer data from V-Suite CORE to V-Suite Web, you must configure data transfer jobs.  You must create a data transfer job for each V-Suite CORE project. The V-Suite CORE connection information for projects on the same server is always the same so V-Suite lets you add an alias which you can use for all data transfer jobs for that server.

Consider the following example where Visionaize Enterprise Server (VES) is installed for V-Suite CORE on server 'MY_VES_SERVER' and the V-Suite CORE database instance is named 'MY_SQL_INSTANCE' and is installed on server 'MY_SQL_SERVER' and the SQL is configured to listen on port 1500.

Enter the following information to configure the V-Suite CORE Connection alias:

V-Suite CORE Connection:

  • Alias - MY_VES_SERVER (or any unique, descriptive name)
  • V-Suite CORE SQL Server Name or IP - MY_SQL_SERVER
  • V-Suite CORE SQL Instance Name - MY_SQL_INSTANCE. Leave blank for default instance.
  • TCP Port - 1500. Leave the port number blank for the default instance, enter port number for custom port.
  • V-Suite CORE Server Name - MY_VES_SERVER
  • V-Suite CORE built-in 'admin' password - Enter the password that you use to sign in to VES as the built-in 'admin' user.
  • V-Suite CORE Version - Select the V-Suite CORE version you are using, for example, select 7.0 for V-Suite 2017.  You can see the version info in V-Suite CORE application.

Press the Test Connection button to verify that you have entered valid connection information.

Press the Save button to save the new V-Suite CORE Connection alias.

Troubleshooting Connection Errors

When you receive a connection error while testing a CORE connection, try the following steps to resolve the error:


    1. Verify the entered connection parameters are correct - make sure there are no typos in the entered names and that the CORE version selected matches with the V-Suite CORE version installed on the target server. Also, double-check that the built-in 'admin' password is entered correctly.
    2. Ensure that the target SQL Server instance is accessible, i.e. that it is for example not down for maintenance.
    3. V-Suite Data Transfer may under certain conditions not be be able to connect to the V-Suite CORE SQL Server. Please contact your system administrator to verify that V-Suite Data Transfer Requirements are met.