Perform the following steps to upgrade the software and one or more existing V-Suite Web environments:

    1. On the Application Server uninstall "Visionaize V-Suite Web Configuration Center".

      Launch "Control Panel" and in "Programs - Programs and Features" select "Visionaize V-Suite Web Configuration Center" and uninstall the software. This will remove the V-Suite Web deployment packages and tools but does not affect the V-Suite Web environments, users will continue to be able to connect to the existing web environments after you have uninstalled.

    1. Download the latest production version of V-Suite Web and Install V-Suite Web Application Packages and Tools on the Application Server

    2. The new version may have additional system requirements. Launch V-Suite Configuration Center on the application server to verify system requirements
    1. Launch V-Suite Configuration Center on the application server to upgrade your existing environment(s)