Visionaize V-Suite CORE installations will automatically add program exceptions to the windows firewall for Visionaize applications. However, System Administrators may want to configure firewall ports or may need to configure interoffice firewall devices/routers. This topic describes through which ports Visionaize applications are communicating with each other.

The following diagram depicts how applications communicate which each other. 

Database SQL Server inbound ports (1A and 1B)

Visionaize installation will not automatically add program exceptions for Microsoft SQL Server. V-Suite CORE communicates with the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine via TCP. Each SQL Instance on the database server will use a different port. The default instance of the Database Engine uses port 1433, but that can be changed. Instances of SQL Server Express and named instances of the Database Engine use dynamic ports. That means that every time that the Database Engine starts, it identifies an available port and uses that port number. If the named instance is the only instance of the Database Engine installed, it will probably use TCP port 1433. If other instances of the Database Engine are installed, it will probably use a different TCP port. Because the port selected might change every time that the Database Engine is started, it is difficult to configure the firewall to enable access to the correct port number. Therefore, if a firewall is used, we recommend reconfiguring the Database Engine to use the same port number every time. This is called a fixed port or a static port. Refer to this article to configure a SQL Server instance fixed port. Refer to this article for detailed information about configuring Windows Firewall to allow SQL Server access.

Visionaize Enterprise Server (VES) inbound ports (2)

V-Suite CORE communicates via a bi-directional channel with VES. Each version of VES has a different default inbound port (2) so that clients communicate with the appropriate version of VES. Please refer to the table at the end of this topic, listing version specific TCP ports for VES.

V-Suite CORE client inbound ports (3)

V-Suite CORE communicates via a bi-directional channel with VES. VES needs to communicate with connected V-Suite CORE clients to deliver database change events at V-Suite CORE inbound port (3). This will by default be the first available port but can be configured via the V-Suite CORE client configuration file.

Visionaize Server inbound ports (4)

V-Suite CORE communicates with Visionaize services via TCP. Each version has a different default inbound port (4) so that clients communicate with the appropriate version of the service. Please refer to the table at the end of this topic, listing version specific TCP ports.

V-Suite CORE 2018

V-Suite CORE 2019

V-Suite CORE 2021

Visionaize Enterprise Server (VES)




Visionaize License Server (VLS)




Meridium Integration Server




MIMIR Integration Server




PHD Integration Server




PI Integration Server




PCMS Integration Server 





Clients connect to the license server and enterprise server by either specifying the server IP address or the server domain name. If clients connect via the domain server name, the client computers might in some cases not be able to connect to the license or enterprise server.
If you have configured the firewall to allow VES and VLS inbound ports and the services are running but client computer cannot connect using the domain server name consult the following FAQ: