The DGN provider adapter update the asset database from Microstation DGN currently only supports the import of 3D solids and surfaces. Although the V-Suite CORE database supports other types of graphical elements, these elements will only be imported as part of a complex surface/solid element. There are currently no methods implemented to draw "wire" elements in the V-Suite CORE asset view. The following tables lists MicroStation element types supported in MicroStation V7 and whether they are supported by the V-Suite CORE CAD import. Please note that only graphical elements are listed in this table. Mircostation SmartSolids and SmartSurfaces are currently not supported. Microstation V8 is currently not supported.


MicroStation Element


Supported by CAD Import

3, 4

Linear Element

Lines and Line Strings

No (1)




Yes (2)


Text Node

Text node header elements are complex headers for groups of text elements, specifying the number of text strings, the line spacing between text string, the origin of the text node, the node number, and the maximum number of characters in each text string.

No (1)



Parametric spline curve completely defined by a set of n points. The first two and last two points define endpoint derivatives and do not display. The interpolated curve passes through all other points.

No (1)


Complex Chain

Complex Chains (open) are complex elements formed from a series of elements (lines, line strings, arcs, curves, and open B-Spline curves).

No (1)


Complex Shape

Complex Shapes (closed) are complex elements formed from a series of elements (lines, line strings, arcs, curves, and open B-Spline curves).

Yes (2)



Ellipse elements are specified with a center, rotation angle, and major and minor aces. A circle is an ellipse with the major and minor aces equal.

No (1)



Arc elements are defined by the center, the rotation, start and sweep angles, and the major and minor axes.

No (1)


Text Elements

A text element stores a single line of text.

No (1)


Surface Elements

A surface is a complex 3-D Element that is projected or rotated from a planar boundary element (line, line string, curve, arc, or ellipse).

Yes (3)


Solid Elements

A solid is capped at both ends enclosing a volume. A surface is not capped on the ends. Surfaces and line headers are identical except for their type number.

Yes (3)


Point String

A Point String element consists of a number of vertices with orientations defined at each vertex. They are useful in specialized applications that need to specify orientations as well as point locations, such as a "walk through".

No (1)


Cone Elements

A circular truncated cone is described by two circles lying in parallel planes in a 3-D Design file. If the radius of both circles is identical, the cone represents a cylinder.


21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

B-Spline Elements

Rational, non-rational, uniform, and non-uniform B-Spline curves and surfaces.


Supported by CAD Import numbers explained:

(1) = Not a solid or a surface. Will only be imported as part of type 18 or 19.
(2) = Only supported if consists of linear elements only.
(3) = Non-linear extrusions are not supported. Prismatic (scaled) extrusions are not supported if the projected element consists of non-linear elements.