Searching by Catalog searches for all assets within the selected workspace by the catalog used to create the assets using V-Suite CORE Modeling.

You can search either by either the entire Asset Catalog, such as all pipe straights that are ANSI-B-16.5, or by individual Catalog Item, such as all 6"-150psi gate flange valves.

The following applies when specifying catalog conditions:

  1. All catalog conditions are bound with an OR statement.
  2. A catalog Item condition may not be combined with a condition on the asset catalog that contains the same catalog Item. In this case, the catalog Item condition will be replaced by the asset catalog condition.
  3. Specifying catalog conditions will disable the By Type conditions as the catalog condition already defines the type of asset being queried.
  4. Catalog conditions do not apply for assets imported from CAD or Plant Design Systems as their catalogs are not currently imported.