V-Suite CORE manages Laser Scan Regions by specifying volumes of space called Registration Areas. In addition to being a specified volume of space, a Registration Area also manages which Scan Jobs will contribute points to the Laser Scan Regions spatially coincident with the Registration Area's volume.

You cannot create a Registration Area if you work in the Production View. Authoring functions, including creatinf registration areas, are always performed against a work order or a standing task, and always in a Work In Progress (or WIP) view that until it is published, is only visible to users working in the work order or standing task.

A Registration Area is created via the Asset Hierarchy, as a child of Physical Data Folder.

In order to define the volume of the Registration Area, boxes and/or extrusions may be added to the Registration Area. These shapes define the volume of space which will identify which Laser Scan Regions to create.

The Scan Job contribution to Registration Areas is managed via the Physical Data Manager.

The Synchronization Status of Registration Areas can be viewed via the Physical Data Manager.

Synchronization Status

A Registration Area can either be current or out of date

  • Current - The Laser Scan Regions that are spatially coincident with the Registration Area's volume are current based on the points from the Scan Jobs associated to the Registration Area.
  • Out of Date - The Laser Scan Regions that are spatially coincident with the Registration Area's volume have either not been created, or are out of date with respect to the points from the Scan Jobs associated to the Registration Area. Registration Areas that are Out of Date can be synchronized, which will create current Laser Scan Regions and change the state to Current. Registration Areas will be out of date if:
    • The volume of the Registration Area is changed
    • The Scan Job(s) associated to the Registration Area is changed (scans are added or removed from the Scan Job)
    • The properties of the Region Grid are changed

Registration Area Synchronization

Pressing the Synchronize Registration Area button will open the Registration Area Synchronization form.

The Registration Area Synchronization form allows the specification of several fields that must be specified

  • WIP File Location - The location on disk where region files are to be written.
  • Region Asset Location - The location in the Asset Hierarchy where new Laser Scan Regions will be created.

The Registration Area Synchronization allows specifying the transference of images from Laser Scan to Laser Scan Regions

Pressing Synchronize will begin the Registration Area Synchronization. Message will display the status of the Registration Area synchronization. If any errors occur during synchronization, the

Registration Areas affected by the error will remain Out of Date when synchronization is finished.

Region assets will be created in the hierarchy, and will be named Region_X_Y_Z, where X, Y, Z is the East/West, North/Sout and Up/Down index respectively. The index is relative to the

Only Out of Date Registration Areas will be processed. However, if region files for current Registration Area cannot be found, then an option will be presented to create region files from current Registration Area. This means that synchronization of Registration Areas will only process Laser Scans which affect a difference in the Laser Scan Regions. Current Registration Areas and their respective Scan Jobs are not processed during Synchronization (unless files are missing).