
The following are script reserved global object variables.


Global Object which allows access to constant values. It is advised to use the CONST object where possible and avoid hard-coding of constants.


// Get the Parent Asset as specified by the user

var parent = PARAMETERS.Get("Parent Asset")


// Create a Box

var box = Primitives.CreatePrimitives(parent, CONST.TypeNames.Box, "Box 1")

var ok = Primitives.SetPrimitivePropertyValue(box, CONST.BoxProperties.Length,1000)


if (!ok)


    Messages.SendMessage("Failed to set Box Length!")

    throw "Handled"



// Can use hard-coded constant but is not advised since new version of V-Suite CORE
// may not be able to version correctly

ok = Primitives.SetPrimitivePropertyValue)box,"Width", 2000)



Global Object which contains user defined input parameter values. The PARAMETERS object implements a Get method to obtain the value of an input parameter.


Global Boolean Object which can be set by the Macro to indicate that the Macro failed because of an invalid input parameter value. If the RETRY boolean is set V-Suite CORE will allow the user the opportunity to correct the input parameter values.


Global Macro result Object used by V-Suite CORE.