Licensing user options can be accessed via the Tools - Options menu.

Click Licensing under Local Settings to manage the following options:

Activate Licenses

Click on the Activated Licenses TAB to configure which licenses you would like to activate when using V-Suite CORE.

Base Licenses

Choose the base license to activate. Only one base license is allowed to be activated. Different base licenses activate different features and allow for different add-on licenses. Licenses will be retrieved locally (node-locked) or from the server (floating) depending on the settings on the other tabs.

Add-on Licenses

Choose the desired add-on licenses. This list changes depending on the chosen base license.

Local (node-locked) License

Click on the Local License TAB to view, register or install a local (node-locked) license.

Current Licenses

Lists the current node-locked licenses installed on this machine. The information includes the license code, the license expiration date and license description.

Specify New License

Specify a License Key File

Primary method to specify a license key by browsing for a license key file received from Visionaize to install the node-locked license.

Enter Key

Alternate method to specify a license key by copying and pasting the license key you received from Visionaize into the textbox and click on Enter Key to install the node-locked license.

I don't have a License Key

Use to start the registration process to request a license from Visionaize.

Configure (floating) License Server

Click on the License Server TAB to specify the name or IP of your floating license server.

License Server

The name (or IP address) of the license server (usually the same as the Visionaize Enterprise Server). If you are unsure you can browse the network by clicking on the (...) button.