When assets are displayed in the asset window their color is defined by the a sset's appearance. Display filters allow assets to be temporarily displayed in a different color.

Some examples of how display filters could be used include:

  1. Safety

A display filter is created which contains all the assets that have an operating temperature above some threshold which would be considered hazardous. When engineers investigate an area of the facility, they can activate the display filter to quickly identify any assets which are a potential safety hazard.

  1. Inspection Planning

Create two display filters, one showing all the piping circuits to be inspected this week in red and the second showing all the piping circuits to be inspected next week in blue. An inspector can activate both display filters, visualize planned tasks, and plan his inspections more efficiently. For example, a piping circuit being inspected this week might be located close to a piping circuit which is due for inspection next week. By using the display filters an inspector can easily see the proximity of these two tasks and might be able to combine both inspections into a single visit to that area of the facility.

V-Suite CORE supports two kinds of Display Filter :

  • - The Quick Search based Display Filter

This Display Filter is created from Search Results generated by a Quick Search. Once created, the assets in the Display Filter cannot be modified.

  • - The Search Definition based Display Filter

This Display Filter is created from Search Results that were generated by a Search Definition. The relationship between the Display Filter and Search Definition is stored so that if the results of the Search Definition change (either as a result of Assets being modified or the actual Search Definition being changed) then the Display Filter can be refreshed to match those new results.

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