The Best Fit Calculator calculates the translation and rotation required to move elements from one coordinate system to another. A minimum of three survey points are needed to calculate a transformation. The results can be used to move one or more assets or can be used as a site transformation to translate the entire project.

The calculator is accessible from the Tools menu;

To calculate a new transform:

    1. Add a new point using the button .
    2. Select the source survey point from the Asset Explorer, select the corresponding "From" box in the list, and click on the "Selection" button.
    3. Select the target survey point from the Asset Explorer, select the corresponding "To" box in the list, and click on the "Selection" button.
    4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as necessary to add more points.
    5. Specify the precision of the results.
    6. Choose to limit the rotation by restricting it to only perform a rotation about the 'U' axis. If this box is not checked then the best fit transform may include a rotation about an arbitrary axis.
    7. You can also specify one of the points as the center of the rotation by checking the option and choose the corresponding point from the list. Otherwise, the first point will be assumed as the center of rotation.
    8. You can delete any of the points by selecting it first or simply Clear all of the points.

Once all of the points and options are specified, you can calculate the transformation and examine the results:

You can do the following with the results of the calculations:

    1. Save the results into a text file.
    2. Apply the transformation to all assets that are currently selected in the Asset Explorer.
    3. Copy the transformation to the Physical Data Manager to move physical data.
    4. Copy the transformation to the Project's Site Transformation to apply it to the entire project.

Using Best Fit calculator does not require permissions to modify the database, but applying the transformation requires working in a work order or standing task, along with permissions to modify physical data.