The attached asset explorer displays the hierarchy of neutral file attached assets and provides the commands to work with attached assets.

In the Asset Window, select the "Attached Assets" Tab.

The Attached Asset Explorer has a toolbar which lets you:

Display or Hide All

Drop-down button to either display or hide all attached assets in the viewer.

Filter Settings

Presents the 'Attached Asset Filter Settings' form which let's you define some basic criteria and apply these criteria to show the filter results in the attached asset explorer.

Show or Hide Filter Result

Toggle Button which either display the attached asset hierarchy or the current filter results. This toggle button is disabled if you don't have current filter settings.

Filter Commands

Drop-down button which displays the following menu items:

Display Filter Results

Displays the filter results in the viewer. This will add the filter results to what is already displayed in the viewer.

Display and Highlight Filter Results

Displays the filter results in the viewer and checks the 'Hightlight Filter Results' toggle.

Hide Filter Results

Hides the filter results in the viewer. This will remove the filter results from what is displayed in the viewer.

Highlight Filter Results

Toggle Button which will either display the filter results with a highlight appearance or will display the filter results with its native appearance.

You can change the filter result highlight color on the 'Navigation' tab of the 'Navigation and Camera' user preferences section.


Drop-down containing the options for the attached asset explorer:

Display Primitives

Toggle button which either adds (shows) or removes (hides) graphical primitives in the attached asset explorer (the tree). The attached asset explorer will by default not present graphical primitives (in the tree). Press this toggle button to have the attached asset explorer present graphical primitives in the tree.

Show Template Column

Shows or hides the Template column in the attached asset explorer. This option is preserved even when the application is closed and restarted.

Show Namespace Column

Shows or hides the Namespace column in the attached asset explorer. This option is preserved even when the application is closed and restarted.

The attached asset explorer will display the attached assets in a tree control organized by neutral file.

Display Attached Assets

To display the asset in the viewer check the asset in the attached asset explorer and uncheck to hide the asset in the viewer. Alternatively select the 'Display All' command () in the attached asset explorer to display all attached assets.
To display or hide attached assets based on filter criteria, specify filter criteria and use the 'Display or Hide Filter Results' commands under the attached asset explorer toolbar 'Filter Commands' () .

Attached Asset Context Menu

Select an asset and right-mouse click to display the attached asset context menu. The attached asset context menu provides the following commands:

Highlight Selection

Highlights the selected attached asset in the viewer. This command is disabled if you have selected multiple attached assets.

Zoom Selection

Zooms the viewer to the selected attached asset. This command is disabled if you have selected multiple attached assets.

Copy To ...

Presents the 'Attached Assets Copy Wizard' which let's you copy the selected attached assets into the asset database.


Presents the properties form for the selected attached asset. This command is disabled if you have selected multiple attached assets.

Shared Attached Assets

Shared attached assets are marked in the attached asset tree by the  icon.

Hierarchies containing shared attached assets cannot be copied using the Copy Attached Assets function.