In V-Suite CORE, every asset is displayed in the Asset Window with an Appearance. Appearances can be used in many different ways to help users visually distinguish between parts of the plant. For example, a red appearance may represent a demolished equipment while a green appearance represents existing equipment.

Assets in the Asset Explorer have an appearance property that can be set to control the appearance of the asset.

Display Filters, which also have an appearance, can be used to temporarily change the appearance of an asset in Asset Window.

Default Appearances

When a new asset is created in the workspace, its appearance will be set based on the default appearance dictated by the asset's Template. If no default appearance is set in the template, the asset will inherit its appearance from its parent. If none of the parents have an appearance (i.e. all are set to inherit from parent), then the default appearance is used. The default appearance is shown as bold in the Appearance Manager and can be changed using the context menu.

The default appearance for new display filters and marked points can be configured in the Project Settings.