Activating a display filter only activates it in the active asset window. This allows different asset windows to have different display filters activated. When you switch between asset windows, the active filters list in the Display Filter Manager is updated to only show the activated display filters for the active asset window.

See an example of two asset windows with different display filters activated in each.

More than one display filter can be activated in the same asset window, however, an asset can only be displayed in one color. The order of display filters in the active filter list determines their priority. An asset that belongs to multiple activated display filters gets the appearance of the topmost display filter.

See an example of how display filter priorities work.

 - Activating a Display Filter

  1. In the Display Filter Manager single-click on a display filter in the list .
  2. Click on the Activate command - - located on the Display Filters Toolbar.
  3. The display filter will be added to the top of the active filters list for the active asset window. Any assets in the active asset window that belong to the display filter will change color to match the display filter's appearance.

 - Deactivating a Display Filter

  1. In the Display Filter Manager single-click on a display filter in the list of active filters.
  2. Click on the Deactivate command - - located on the Active Filters Toolbar.
  3. The display filter will be removed from the active filters list for the active asset window, and any assets in the active asset window that belong to the display filter will change color based on any remaining display filters and their original appearance.

 - Deactivating All Display Filters

  1. In the Display Filter Manager click on the Deactivate All command - - located on the Active Filters Toolbar.
  2. All of the display filters in the active filters list for the active asset window will be removed, and any assets in the active asset window that belong to any of the display filters will change color back to their original appearance.

  - Change a Display Filter's Priority

The priority of a display filter in the active asset window is based upon its order in the active filters list. Higher display filters have priority over those lower on the list.

To increase the priority of a display filter:

  1. In the Display Filter Manager single-click on a display filter in the list of active filters.
  2. Click on the Increase Display Filter Priority command - - located on the Active Filters Toolbar.
  3. The selected display filter will move up the list of active filters for the active asset window, and any assets shown in the active asset window that belong to more than one display filter will change color as specified in the display filter with the highest priority.

To decrease the priority of a display filter:

  1. In the Display Filter Manager single-click on a Display Filter in the list of Active Filters.
  2. Click on the Decrease Display Filter Priority command - - located on the Active Filters Toolbar.
  3. The selected display filter will move down the list of active filters for the active asset window, and any assets displayed in the active asset window that belong to more than one display filter will change color as specified in the display filter with the highest priority.

 - Display Filters & Knowledge Views

If a Knowledge View is created when any display filters are active then they will be re-activated (with the same priorities) whenever the Knowledge View is opened.

See also

Display Filters |  Creating Display Filters |  Modifying Display Filters |  Managing Display Filters