Release Notes


October 29, 2022

V-Suite CORE 2021 - Update 1 ( is a minor release which introduces some new out-of-the-box asset templates,  and bug fixes. This release is the first release of the V-Suite CORE product released under the Visionaize Inc. brand.


Existing V-Suite CORE 2021 databases are fully compatible with V-Suite CORE 2021 Update 1 but will not include the new asset templates. To add these new templates to an existing database you must upgrade the 2021 Enterprise Server to 2021 Update 1 and upgrade the database.

New features and enhancements


oAdded "Route" asset templates. While a route defined in V-Suite CORE has a physical representation and can be displayed in the CORE client, its main purpose is to provide functionality within the V-Suite Web Client where a user can switch to a "follow camera" and following a selected route.


oAdded the ability to present Integration adapter sub attribute sets for adapters that support that

License Administrator

oAdded option to run license usage reports from the command line so that report genration can be automated/scheduled.

Also See:  Client Installation Help | Server Installation Help | Bug Fixes | System Requirements