Bug ID



Microsoft Edge browser. Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application adding an asset link to a Note.

The asset link would sometimes incorrectly reposition.


Fixed an issue in the User application with password complexity input validation.

The input validation hint would display incorrect message.


Fixed an issue where Marked Point Tags would obscure viewer controls

Panning the viewer would draw Marked Point Tags on top of viewer controls (compass, zoom throttle).


Mozilla Firefox Quantum browser. Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application with the zoom throttle.

The zoom throttle would sometimes get 'stuck' and not return to the default positions.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application selecting/picking an asset.

The application would sometimes, randomly display an error message "Data could not be found in the database for a particular id".


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application accessing a manually deleted/moved Scratch Pad Page Image.

The application would not present an error to the user when accessing a Scratch Pad Page which no longer exists in the file system storage location.


Fixed a permission issue in the User application.

The application would not allow users with the "View" permission (only) to view users.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application with the Knowledge View background color.

In some cases the background color in V-Suite CORE would not be displayed in V-Suite Web, instead the user would see a background scene.


Fixed an issue in the User application searching for a user account in very large domains (+100K users) in the User application.

Searching for a user by first name, last name or user name would take very long or would time-out.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application when searching for a Knowledge Book Folder or View.

In some cases for certain search strings containing special characters like { } ' the application would present an application error.


Fixed an issue in the Entitlement application when adding or removing users from the Project Administrator security group.

Sometimes the application would not let the administrator add or remove users from the security group and present a message "Update did not complete successfully"


Fixed miscellaneous issues in the Knowledge Book application with Scratch Pad arrow annotations.

Existing CORE Connection would not display version correctly.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application with the Scratch Pad annotation fill color.

Selecting an annotation would erroneously revert the selected annotation fill color.


Microsoft IE 11 Browser. Fixed a print color issue in the Knowledge Book application.

The colors in the print (preview) would sometimes not match the color in the viewer.


Fixed issue stopping IIS service when upgrading an environment using V-Suite Configuration Center.

The upgrade wizard would sometime fail upgrading an environment when attempting to stop IIS service.


Microsoft IE 11 Browser. Fixed a view issue in the Knowledge Book application.

The view in the print would sometimes be stretched/shrunk.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application when printing a Scratch Pad page.

The application would instead of the Scratch Pad Page name print the Knowledge View name.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application when double-clicking the save Scratch Pad page button.

The application would present an error message "Another request has changed some of the data ...".


Microsoft Edge Browser. Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application download a Scratch Pad Image.

The browser would not download the image and would not present any error.


Fixed an issue where updated entitlements are not immediately in effect

The user's updated entitlements would not be immediately in effect unless the user would first sign out.


Fixed an issue deploying a new web environment using V-Suite Configuration Center.

The "System Administrator" security group erroneously would not have the "Manage Authentication Settings" permission assigned.


Fixed an issue with the sign-in page when the client computer does not have Internet connection.

The sign-in page user interface would look "disarranged".


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application with the Scratch Pad Page Change History.

A unsaved Scratch Pad page would display incorrect change history dates.


Fixed an issue with the sign-in, authentication.

Sometimes signing in to V-Suite would present an HTTP Error 400.


Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Book application with certain search strings

Some search string (like '-') would cause the Knowledge Book Folder search execute slowly or timeout.