May 12, 2021


V-Suite WEB R3 ( includes new features, several enhancements, and bug fixes.

V-Suite WEB R3 provides services to the Knowledge Book R3 mobile application.

What's New in V-Suite Web R3

System and Usability

oAdded the ability to display Shell primitives in the Web Viewer so that more 3rd-party 3D models can be used in V-Suite.

oAdded the ability to specify Microsoft SQL Server 2019 as the V-Suite Web Database Server.  

oEnhanced the V-Suite Web server settings to allow the System Administrator Account has a default password to sign-in to V-Suite via V-Suite authentication if there are problems with the Active Directory authentication.  

Knowledge Book Application

oAdded the ability to use URL Query String to instruct the Knowledge Book application to open a Knowledge View, Knowledge View folder, or Scratch Pad Page and to zoom to a specific Asset in a Knowledge View.

oAdded the ability to zoom in and out on a Scratch Pad page to modify the annotations.

oAdded the ability to view the basic information of a Knowledge View (such as file location, description …etc.) and to navigate to its parent folders to view other related Knowledge Views.

oEnhanced Scratch Pad’s default rules: use Knowledge Name as a part of the default name of a newly created Scratch Pad page, and the Scratch Pad page is set to “public” by default.


oAdded new Web Adapters to receive data from the external systems - SAIP and Primavera.

Bug Fixes

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes


V-Suite WEB R3 is compatible with V-Suite CORE 2021 (and earlier) and Mobile Knowledge Book R3.

Please refer to V-Suite Compatibility Tables for more information about side-by-side installation, license and server compatibility.